Funnels and Pyramids

February 3rd 2015

Grey grey highlights bald blond grey grey coloured highlights coloured grey grey.Or black black black bald bald greying black bald black black extensions bald.
The first applying to the typical hairstyles down a typical local street.The second sentence; hairstyles typically, here, children often shaved bald for hygienic reasons.
At home, at the Christmas period you can see the return of an 18-30 generation. In between we are pensioner lopsided and Clark Foley, the over 50s centre, open to a fair few of our town. For rest and refreshment and University of the third age.
Come south to the Equator,zero degrees north and south, and zero is a very common age. Us European northerners match our latitude too where over 50 is the boom.
Lots of little children everywhere, here


Exploring languages as they call to me, ” Bye…see you ” “how are you Muzungu?” It’s a pyramidal demographic that is vibrant, engaging, energising and  hungry for a great future.
Our funnel demographic may be pensioner rich and pension payer poor but wisdom of experience is a treasure.Our elders have stories to tell.Wisdom to share and experience we know nothing about. Generational fracture is common place in Europe allowing us to dismiss and forget the value of our greyheads.

The pyramidal society need to know wise stories and our funnel society would do well to listen to them and give them voice before they are lost. A cylindrical demographic would help.
Respect for elders here is engrained so that children and young people kneel to elders in their family. Can I feel my western audience cringe?  Why?